Fair Trade (Sazininga prekyba)
Another goal of ours here at Kalnaragis that is equally very important is to support Fair Trade. As our business grows we will strive to source socially and ecologically sustainable products. In order to quality as a Fair trade ingredient, the prices paid for such products must also be fair to the producers (not only to the buyer) thereby helping producers to maintain the longevity of their greater social, environmental and community needs. The priority of Fair Trade is to ensure that the relationships between buyer and seller are of mutual, sustainable benefit. This kind of transaction will help to ensure that there is a solid and vital ground for future generations to improve and expand upon.
The more people understand the relationships between the foods we eat and the implications it has for the health of humanity, for animals and for Nature, then the more people will seek out healthier food alternatives. Education is essential for this awareness to grow in our greater world community. It is our wish to fill this need in whatever ways we can in order to help ensure a better quality of life for all beings.
helping producers to maintain the longevity of their greater social, environmental and community needs. The priority of Fair Trade is to ensure that the relationships between buyer and seller are of mutual, sustainable benefit. This kind of transaction will help to ensure that there is a solid and vital ground for future generations to improve and expand upon.