Our Services

In this world of production, advertisements and full pressure of consumption, the one thing is really missing- healthy mind, body and spirit.

Somewhere human beings are lacking and the lack is filled with fulfilling little desires that are guided by our senses.
The lack is the void- trauma of soul, of your inner child. And usually this is the human condition- to never be satisfied. This feeling of search is driving us towards evolution, towards completion.

Here we are – family, creating our new home, new business in this world full of choices. Our production is just a part of us, very little representation. 

Our service – is first to serve human being – body, soul, and mind. 

These all 15-12-10 years we both spent separately in healing and searching..And our journey continues together already since 2015

The biggest search of life is the search of divine- to always stay within…nowhere outside.

And here we are: suggesting our support in your journey, suggesting you to learn to heal yourself, to trust yourself and move forward to your authenticity.

We are both separately and as family moving towards evolution. And with family (children) living and creating our worldly conditions together with constant awareness is not easy. 

In partnership we help each other to stay present and heal in love.